I will hazard a guess that there are things associated to running your practice that you do, but that you really don’t like doing. There might even be a couple of things.
What I could also guess is that there is a strong chance that someone else in your team would really enjoy doing that same activity.
How can I be so sure?
That’s because I know that everyone is different.
Every individual has their own strengths and things that they find more difficult and we all have blind spots which can hold back our levels of success. The challenge is often finding out what they are, without too many negativeconsequences.
That is why both Fortune 500 companies and SME’s use DiSC profiling as this is an effective way to build that understanding in a way that is also positive for the employee. There is a potential for the information gained through cheapor free assessments to be misused and so it is best used with the support of aDiSC practitioner like myself.
Why should you bother though?
Well imagine if I said to you that it helps to improve productivity, or profitability would you be interested to know more? What if I also said it helps improve employee engagement and retention would that grab your interest?
The thing is it can help with all of those things!
Let me explain.
Think about the tasks that you do that you don’t enjoy, one of the biggest issues with them is that they take up so much of your time. What else could you be doing instead? What if you only did the things you enjoyed, how much quicker would you get throughyour task list?
If you were to spend all of your time doing the things that you are good at, how much better would that be for your motivation? Would you want to stay in the role or would you be looking for other opportunities elsewhere?
DiSC can help you work out what you are good at and so you spend more time on things that will generate the results for you to increase productivity and profitability will also go up.
Now consider your employees.
Imagine that they were all doing the things that they are best at, how much happier would they be? How much better would they be at meeting your customer needs?
I believe that a happier team means happier customers. The consequence being that both employee and customer retention increase. That impacts the results of the business with fewer recruitment costs and increased orders.
So, my suggestion to you this week is this…
List out all of the things that you do on a regular basis in your business. Then consider whether you have the right skills to do that task. If not consider if there is someone else who you employ that has the right skills and can do that task instead of you?
If the answer is yes then ask them to do it. If the answer is no then you can either look to outsource that work or maybe even consider recruiting someone that does have the right skills.
Be careful though when you are delegating to make sure that you are actually delegating and not simply abdicating responsibility.
If you are not sure what the difference is or how to be sure you are doing it properly then check out my last blog which talked about the difference between the two. It also talked about why some accountants find delegation such a challenge.
Remember if you need any help understanding your own strengths or those of your people using the DISC profile analysis can really help. Just email joanne@smartsupportforbusiness.co.uk or call 0114 2219054 and ask me how.